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The Ultimate Website Speed Course


SummitPizza building mockup of website on computer and mobile devices - Big Red Jelly

What You’ll Learn

No matter how much work you’ve put into your website, if it isn’t loading quickly, a lot of your effort will be wasted. Your conversion rates go down with each additional second it takes your website to load.

With that in mind, this course will help you identify your biggest website loading speed issues, and how to fix them. If anything in this guide goes over your head, feel free to reach out to the Big Red Jelly support team for assistance in speeding your website up!

Walmart’s conversion rates improved by 2% for every 1 second improvement in page load time.

How Speed Impacts Conversion Rates

(Source: Cloudflare)

1.9% Conversion rate
<1% Conversion Rate
<0.6% Conversion Rate

Chapters Overview

This course will be broken up into chapters, for each area that impacts website speed. You can go directly to the chapter you want, or go through them chronologically, just be sure to read chapter 1 first, so you know how to diagnose your site speed issues.

Chapter 1: Diagnosis

Not sure what’s slowing down your website? This chapter teaches you how to identify the biggest issues your website is facing.

Start Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Optimizing Images

Images are usually a big issue in slow websites. Learn how to optimize your images properly so they load quickly.

Start Chapter 2

Chapter 3: Optimizing JavaScript & CSS

Scripts (Such as JavaScript and CSS) can REALLY slow down your website. It can be a little complicated to solve.

Start Chapter 3

Chapter 4: Videos & Animations

Videos and animations are a great way to keep people engaged with your website, but, they can really tank your loading time. Find out how to keep that from happening in this chapter.

Start Chapter 4

Chapter 5: Plugins

Plugins can help you do anything you want to with your website! But not all plugins are built with site speed in mind. You’ll learn how to manage those in this chapter and which plugins you should outright avoid.

Start Chapter 5

Chapter 6: Hosting & Servers (Coming Soon)

You need to have hosting if you want people to be able to visit your website. The cheaper ones might be tempting, but your website performance will suffer if you pick the wrong hosting provider.