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5 Factors of a Converting Website

By June 2, 2022December 1st, 2023Other

There are 198.4 million active websites online. How will yours stand out among the rest?

Your website needs to do more than inform—it needs to convert. Having a website that converts visitors into customers will help you scale your business faster than anything else will.

But what about that awesome Facebook ad we ran last week?

Well, where did the ad take the viewer to? Probably to a landing page on your website that either featured a product they could buy or included a calendar where they could book a meeting.

That’s right—still your website.

So how do I build a strategic website that will convert visitors into customers?

I’m glad you asked. Here are the top five aspects of a website that converts visitors.

1. Fast loading speed

People today have very short attention spans. If your website takes three seconds or more to load, you will lose 53% of your visitors.

Those first few seconds are crucial to helping your visitors make the decision to stay on your website. How will you expect to convert them if they leave your site before it finishes loading?

You can monitor your website’s loading speed using tools such as GTmetrix Speed Index.

If you find that your website does take longer than three seconds to load, try compressing your image size, remove unused JavaScript or media, or reach out to our Web Support team to analyze the results and speed things up for you.

Great! Now that your website loads quickly and visitors decided to stay and look around, how will we convert them?


2. Call-to-action oriented

A good converting website is one that has a clear call to action (CTA).

What is your primary goal with your website? Do you want your visitors to buy a product, book a service, or schedule a consultation with you? Make sure that goal is clear to them—not just clear to you.

You can do this by including branded color buttons in the header, hero section, and at the bottom of your home page. When the visitor sees that same message two or three times over, they’ll understand what the next step is for them to take.

Keep in mind you can have a secondary CTA, such as “download this free resource.” But don’t let your secondary CTA appear more important than your primary CTA, and you shouldn’t have more than 2-3 CTAs throughout your site. 

Wordpress website call to action buttons - wordpress development company
Mockup website maintenance - Big Red Jelly

3. High-quality graphics

Living in a digital age, consumers expect high-quality design and visual appeal via graphics and images. Blurry or pixelated photos just won’t cut it.

Having well-designed, unique graphics that are designed specifically for your brand will help you stand out from the crowd and resonate with your audience. 

  • Infographics
  • Icons
  • Flow charts
  • Mockups
  • Etc. 

Using your own product images, team photos, or location-specific photos will also help your website appear more personal. Stock images will do when necessary, but putting your teams’ smiling faces in the photos will begin fostering relationships with your customers before they even realize it.

4. Social Proof

Let’s be honest, you can say whatever you want about your business and how great it is! But your future customers are more likely to trust what others are saying about it.

Strong converting websites feature online reviews and testimonials of real clients and customers. Feature a few of your favorite or best reviews on your home page to build rapport with your new audience.

It’s important to ask your past clients (especially those who had a great experience) to leave a review so that you can share customer testimonials on your website. The more authentic they appear, the better!

5. Mobile Friendly 

The last step, frequently overlooked, is ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly.
As of February 2022, 57.38% of internet users accessed websites from their mobile cell phones.


That is more than half of your website traffic. 


Ensuring that your images, text, buttons, and products are optimized for a mobile format will provide a better user experience for those visitors, thus making them more likely to convert from their mobile phones.

There are many aspects of building and designing a website that converts visitors. This list is not meant to be comprehensive, rather is meant to provide you with a strong starting point. Remember that analytic tools, such as Smartlook, can provide insightful data over time as to how users are engaging with your site. Leveraging that data will help you optimize your conversion rate over time. 

Want to talk about optimizing your website conversion rate? Schedule a free consultation here.