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How to Grow Your Business with Influencer Marketing

By August 14, 2019June 8th, 2020Marketing

Influencer marketing has become one of the key ways to drive your message to a larger audience in an organic way. It pinpoints people with larger social followings who have influence over your target audience. Your marketing endeavors are featured through the key influencers instead of you having to do all of the work. 

Big Red Jelly has used influencer marketing through different clients and has found it to be extremely successful. You are not only saving yourself time, money, and resources but you are elevating your marketing strategy by utilizing professionals in the given area.

Rather than marketing directly to a large group of consumers, you instead pay influencers to get out the word for you. For example, a testimonial from an individual influencer such as a journalist, academic, or YouTube personality plays the part of the buyer and talks or writes in length about the product’s features and benefits. 

Here are several statistics associated with influencer marketing:

  • 70% of teenage YouTube subscribers trust influencer opinions over traditional celebrities
  • On average, businesses generate $6.50 for every $1 invested in influencer marketing
  • 81% of marketers who have used influencer marketing judged it to be effective 
  • 51% of marketers believe they get better customers from influencer marketing
  • 59% of marketers increased their influencer marketing budgets last year

Influencer marketing has become such a powerful and effective marketing strategy. People trust what other people have to say nowadays. When you are able to align your brand with an influencer, you are positioning your products or service for a display to his or her already-established large network of individuals who trust what that influencer has to say. 

As inbound marketing is growing in popularity, influencer marketing has become one of the most effective techniques for attracting customers. They are staffed with the responsibility of generating and distributing content about your brand. 

When influencers recommend your brand to their following, they become an extension of your company’s marketing department. Brands rely on influencer marketing as it is a viable solution for marketers who are willing to think outside the box on building trust with their target market. 

Word-of-mouth marketing has taken a real shift overpaid television, magazine and newspaper ads with the power of these unofficial brand ambassadors. Influencer marketing provides an opportunity for companies to leverage the power of social proof, all while relying on those who already have a large following. 

Consumers expect brands to bring the conversation to them, so influencers hold more power than ever before. By partnering with the right influencers, brands can create conversations that relate to their target audience. 

When it comes to reaching out to influencers, it is a balancing act with a trial and error component. Bigger is not always better, while the person with more followers will put your brand in front of more people, the update may not receive as much engagement. Depending on your budget and the level of engagement per follower you want, you may want to look into a micro-influencer or an influencer with a smaller audience in a specific niche. 

If you haven’t dipped your toes into influencer marketing, it’s a good idea as 81% of marketers believe it’s effective. Your brand awareness and ROI could greatly increase with this strategy, so there is no reason to not give it a try.