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Big Red Jelly’s Vision: 5 Things That Might Surprise You!

By October 11, 2022May 26th, 2023Brand, Leadership

Big Red Jelly’s Vision plays a large role in keeping the company together and moving forward. Here are 5 things about Big Red Jelly’s Vision that might surprise you!

1. What is the BRJ Tagline?

Backlot brand style guide - brand development by Big Red Jelly.

Brand: It is important to have an established and cohesive brand identity, logo, and mission so you can move forward with confidence in your brand. Think of Nike, Coca-Cola, or Disney, what do these three brands have in common? They have cultivated a brand that has become iconic across the globe. 

Build: After we help you establish your brand, you are ready for the build phase!  When building your website, there are so many tools and integrations to choose from and it can be hard knowing which ones you need. For example, if you are a restaurant you are going to need different tools than a personal blog. We help businesses by recommending the tools they need, setting the tools up on their site, and teaching them how to manage them. 

Grow: The Growth phase coincides with our build phase as we integrate foundations for growth and web safety while we are building your website. We’ll walk you through how to use your website so you can move forward with confidence in your new tools. The growth phase also connects you to our partners. So if you have any further digital marketing needs, we know a guy! 

2. What is Our Purpose?

What drives us here at BRJ? Our purpose is to inspire creativity and growth. Genuinely, here at Big Red Jelly, we want to inspire a collaborative effort in creating your website. Then when you are ready to build on that foundation for growth, our growth strategist will connect you with our partners to help you continuously grow your business.

3. Our Core Values

  1. We put client success first… Always.  2. We are neighbors and collaborators.  3. We are efficient and proactive. 

Our number one priority is you, our clients! We want to work with you to create a brand and website that you love and that will lead to your success. Many web design agencies take lots and lots of time to get back to you with a website and don’t always include you in the process. To combat this, we have weekly draft reviews so you can give feedback and collaborate with us. We use our expertise to help your vision come to life. We are a company that rewards proactivity. It is our goal to create a fabulous website and brand that you love, but also in a timely manner so you can get to work with your new tools as quickly as possible.

Big Red Jelly team - Provo Utah - Brand, Build, Grow

4. Our Mission Statement

“Big Red Jelly combines applied creativity with powerful online tools to accelerate growth for businesses.”

We are here to help grow other businesses and accelerate growth within them. There is no denying that the world is becoming more and more digital. In this day and age, it is vital for your business to have an effective online presence. Things like site speed and hosting might sound a little foreign to you right now — and that’s okay! Here at Big Red Jelly, we are going to make sure that not only do you have an aesthetically pleasing website but one that is optimized and engaging. Our Web Support and Strategy team are here to make sure that your website is quick and easy to navigate making it a powerful tool for your business.

Brand, build, and growth computer graphic icon - Big Red Jelly.

5. Proven Process

 Lastly, what sets us apart from other branding and web design agencies? Our Proven Process, Applied Creativity, Customization, Collaboration, and our Foundation for Growth. We want to help you have the best experience possible while we build your digital tools and prepare you and your business for ultimate growth and success.

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