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Why Big Red Jelly Loves Wix

By June 25, 2024Build, Technology

The Ultimate CMS for Ease of Use and Affordability

When it comes to building and managing a website, choosing the right content management system (CMS) can make all the difference. At Big Red Jelly, we’ve worked with numerous CMS platforms, but Wix stands out as a favorite for many reasons. From its user-friendly interface to its cost-effectiveness, Wix offers many benefits that make it an ideal choice for business owners. Let’s dive into those benefits:

1. Ease of Use

One of the number one reasons we recommend Wix is because it is so easy to use. Even if you have never built or edited a website before, Wix’s simple drag-and-drop interface makes it simple to learn.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Wix’s interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate. You can easily add and arrange elements on your pages, customize your site’s look and feel, and make updates in real-time.
  • No Coding Required: No need to know HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, because Wix provides a code-free experience for website building.

2. Affordability

Another standout feature of Wix is its affordability. While some CMS platforms can become quite expensive with added features and necessary plugins, Wix offers a range of pricing plans to fit different needs and budgets.

  • Affordable Premium Plans: Wix’s premium plans start at very reasonable prices. These plans include custom domain names, increased storage, and advanced functionalities like Booking and eCommerce store capabilities, making it so your entire online business is under one affordable payment.

3. All-in-One Solution

Wix provides an all-in-one solution for website building and management, reducing the need for multiple third-party services and tools.

  • Hosting Included: Wix includes reliable hosting with all its plans, ensuring your website is fast and secure without the need to manage separate hosting services.
  • Built-In SEO Tools: Wix comes with built-in SEO tools to help your site rank better in search engine results, driving more traffic to your site.
  • Business Capabilities: Whether your business model is an eCommerce store, restaurant, or coaching service, Wix has the solutions you need all built into their platform.

4. Support and Resources

At Big Red Jelly, we appreciate platforms that offer excellent support and resources, and Wix does not disappoint.

  • Extensive Knowledge Base: The Wix Help Center is packed with tutorials, guides, and FAQs to help you get the most out of the platform. You can also Google any question you have or issue you’re struggling with and get tons of solutions.
  • Active Community: Wix has an active user community where you can connect with other Wix users, share tips, and get advice.

So, Who is the Best Customer for Wix?

Wix is a versatile platform that suits a wide range of users, but it’s especially ideal for:

  • Small Business Owners: With its affordable pricing and robust features, Wix is perfect for small businesses looking to establish or enhance their online presence without breaking the bank.
  • Creatives and Freelancers: Artists, photographers, writers, and other creatives can easily showcase their work with Wix’s beautiful templates and portfolio features.
  • E-commerce Entrepreneurs: If you’re starting an online store, Wix’s comprehensive e-commerce tools can help you get up and running quickly and efficiently.
  • Non-Technical Users: Anyone without technical expertise can benefit from Wix’s straightforward, drag-and-drop website builder.


At Big Red Jelly, we love Wix for its ease of use, affordability, and comprehensive features. Whether you’re a small business owner, a creative professional, or an entrepreneur, Wix provides the tools and support you need to build and grow a successful online presence. With Wix, anyone can create a beautiful, functional website without the complexities and costs often associated with other CMS platforms. If you’re looking for a reliable, user-friendly, and cost-effective CMS, look no further than Wix.