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How Do You Find Your Target Audience?

By February 21, 2024February 23rd, 2024Marketing, Strategy

Before you can even start to build a website, logo, or any other key aspect of your business, you first need to have a target audience. Big Red Jelly is ready to not only walk you through the process of developing a buyer persona to target that audience, but how to turn them into a brand champion. 

Why do you need to narrow down a buyer persona?

If you want to develop a buyer persona, first think about what kind of person would buy your product or service. Understanding the way that your customer or client thinks and the needs that they have will make it easier to not only design your product or service, but also the website and brand we at Big Red Jelly can build for you. 

Additionally, think about who has the means to purchase your product or service. You may have a revolutionary idea, but if it is out of the price range of those you wish to serve, then you will never get off of the ground. If your audience doesn’t have any interest in your product or service, in spite of your passion for it, then they also will never become a customer. Where needs, means, and interests overlap, you will find your target audience and be ready to craft a buyer persona. 

Things to Consider for a Buyer Persona

When considering a buyer persona, think about the following three things about who you want to serve: demographics, psychographics, and behavioral. Demographics are things like age, gender, income, race, etc.… that your target audience embodies. Psychographics are the personalities, lifestyles, or attitudes of the target audience. The behavioral details are the way that your audience purchases and where they are in the buying process. 

Here are some example questions to consider when trying to develop a buyer persona:

  • What does my ideal customer like to do?
  • How ready is my customer to purchase?
  • What does my ideal customer need to know to work with us?
  • Does my audience have an interest in my product or service?

You want this persona to be as specific as possible. A specific audience is stronger, and going after a number of client types can spread your company too thin. If you can find your niche quickly and secure it, you will be able to attract a number of brand champions.

What is a Brand Champion? 

A brand champion is stronger and more loyal than your target audience; they are the customers who return again and again to work with or buy from your brand. They are loyal and are willing to stay with your company for the long-haul. These people, the ones who love what your company does and stands for, are the main people that you want to please and cater your business towards.

Catching the Brand Champion

The big question is, how do you find your brand champion? You need to think about when you convert a passive viewer of your brand or website into a full-fledged customer. Look at the  touchpoints that people repeatedly turn to when they think about your brand. Another way to find this is to see who posts about your brand online. If a customer is constantly sharing their love for your product to those who follow them, then you need to find out why. 

Brand Champion Relationships

Now that you have pinpointed your brand champion, how do you keep them loyal to your company? If you are a B2B company, continue to follow-up with them to make sure that the services you provided have been working for them. Ask them if there are any new problems or issues that have arisen. Open, tactful communication with your target audience helps them to have trust in the services you offer.

For those that are B2C companies, think about what additional products your loyal customers may need. Are there any add-on materials that would make their life easier? Is there anything that the consumer needs to understand that entices them to return back to your product or service? Are you updating your product any time soon?

If you have the contact information for a brand champion, interview them to get to know why they love your brand. You need to know the “why” behind their passion for your brand. The brand champion can teach you things about what is invaluable from your service or product that keeps them hooked. Some of the things they share may surprise you and give you clear direction for the future of your company. 

Brand Champion to Brand Advocate

Having a brand champion can do wonders for your business. They drive revenue because of their repeated purchases. If your brand champion is willing to share on social media or other circles, they can become a brand advocate. Brand advocates spread your message like wildfire to everyone in their network. They will create their own content, user-generated content, that is more trustworthy than messaging you create on your own. As such, they can generate new business leads as they share their love of your company with others. 

How Big Red Jelly Can Help

Once you have nailed down a buyer persona and/or a brand champion, our team here at Big Red Jelly can help you capture and keep their attention by creating a stronger brand, website, or whatever else you need to reach them. If you still feel like you don’t have a handle on your brand yet, we would love to schedule a call with you to guide you through that process.


Written by Parker Smith